Dopps Chiropractic
FORMULA 303 ® Natural Relaxant Natural Relief For Muscle Spasm, Tension and Stress 45 Tablets
$ 15.00
Homeopathic Formula
Gluten Free
Directions: Adults and children 12 years of age and older, take as directed or as directed by your doctor.
*Natural Relief For Muscle Spasm, Tension, and Stress associated with:
Leg Cramps, Restless Leg Syndrom, FibroMyalgia, Low Back Pain, Muscle Pain, Back Sprain and Strain, PMS Menstrual Cramps, Pulled Muscles, Neck and Shoulder Pain, Nervousness, Mild Insomnia
Each Tablet Contains: 6 parts Valerian Root (Quad-Strength) 1X, 3 parts Passiflora (Quad-Strength) 1X, 1 part Magnesium Carbonate 1X.
Muscle Spasms - As a muscle relaxant, two tablets every three hours until relief is obtained. Then two tablets with each meal and two at bedtime.
Tension and Stress - As a relaxant, two tablets with each meal and two at bedtime.
Warning: If you are pregnant or nursing a baby, seek the advice of a health professional before using this product.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
Ask your Chiropractor at Dopps Chiropractic about Formula 303. Visit our Wichita KS office or Call (316)265-3544